Czechia signs a participation contract among the first nine countries

The Czech Republic has become one of the first nine countries to officially confirm its physical participation in the EXPO 2025. Czechia's involvement was confirmed by the signing of the participation contract during the opening ceremony of the gala dinner for international participants in Osaka, Japan, on Tuesday 25 October 2022 by Ondřej Soška, Czech Commissioner General.

Czechia signs a participation contract among the first nine countries
Czechia signs a participation contract among the first nine countries

"Being among the first nine countries out of approximately 140 that will participate in EXPO 2025 is a great honour and a confirmation that our concept can be competitive. Koji Haneda, Commissioner General of EXPO 2025, appreciated that although Czechia confirmed its participation only in early July, we successfully and quickly prepared all the documents necessary to sign the contract. These were approved by the organisers the first time without a single reservation. This gave us a unique opportunity to participate in the signing ceremony, which was attended by other representatives of the participating countries and Japanese political leaders," says Ondřej Soška, Commissioner General of the Czech participation in EXPO 2025.

The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition held for the first time a “Signing ceremony for the Participation Contract” with regard to Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan and concluded the contracts with 9 Official Participants – Czechia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Azerbaijan. The signing ceremony was part of a two-day event, the first International Planning Meeting, which enjoyed extensive media coverage and interest of the public as it was the first major international event held in Japan after more than two years of covid closure. The country did not open fully to foreigners until mid-October this year.

"This is a very important step for us towards future Japanese visitors. Through the Japanese media, they will now know that Czechia is participating in the Expo again and will try to build on the success of Czechoslovakia in 1970," explains Soška

Delegates from most of the countries planning to participate in the EXPO (i.e. about 140 countries) attended the meeting. On the agenda, in addition to the signing of contracts and other essentials, was, for example, the presentation of the concept of the virtual expo or a visit to the artificial island of Yumeshima, where the EXPO will be held from April 13 to October 13, 2025.

The participation contract defines the conditions of participation, but also confirms the land on which the national pavilion will stand. It is a prestigious plot of almost 1000 m2 with a view of the sea, which Czechia preferred. The organisers also approved the theme of the Czech participation at EXPO 2025 – "Talent and Creativity for Life". The contract was signed by the Czech Commissioner General Ondřej Soška and by Secretary General Hiroyuki Ishige of the Japan Association for the 2025 World EXPO and EXPO 2025 Commissioner General Koji Haneda.

Contact for media Jana Kohoutova Communications manager & spokeswoman

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