Commissioner General's Notebook: The Pavilion Construction is Progressing Rapidly, with 80% of Rough Construction Completed

The gates of the World Expo, set to take place next year in Osaka, Japan, will open on April 13, 2025. Japanese visitors will have the chance to admire the Czech National Pavilion, one of fewer than fifty unique national pavilions designed and built according to bespoke architectural plans. The Czech pavilion was designed by Apropos Architects in collaboration with Tereza Šváchová. Over a hundred other countries will present themselves in shared or pre-fabricated pavilions. The construction on-site is personally overseen by Ondřej Soška, the Commissioner General of the Czech participation. He maintains a photo gallery and journal documenting the most exciting developments in the construction process, publishing a summary every Friday on his LinkedIn profile. If you haven't come across his weekly reports yet, here is a recap of the most notable highlights from November 2024.

Construction work on the roof of the Czech National Pavilion, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
Construction work on the roof of the Czech National Pavilion, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers

Friday, November 1, 2024 The weather continues to be quite favourable, allowing the construction of the Czech Pavilion to progress rapidly during the week of October 26 to November 1.

This week, the construction team, led by Lukáš Náprava, focused on completing the external core of the building and installing the interior balconies. I must admit that, despite assurances from the designers and structural engineers that the balconies would remain completely stable, I was a bit nervous about the possibility of minor vibrations—after all, the leverage is significant. The good news is that all the balconies are solid and can even support my weight.

In the final image, you can see the detailed fastening elements that ensure the structure’s maximum stability and safety. Each component has been meticulously crafted and installed to make the pavilion not only functional but also aesthetically impressive and resistant to Japan’s challenging climate. The safety of our team and visitors remains our top priority.

The advanced construction of the pavilion's outer core ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centres
The advanced construction of the pavilion's outer core ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centres
Progress in the installation of balconies, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centres
Progress in the installation of balconies, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centres

Friday, November 8, 2024 This week, from November 2 to 8, another group of Czech workers rotated shifts. Fortunately, the weather remains in our favour, and the work continues according to the established schedule. Step by step, the Czech Pavilion is taking shape and moving closer to its final form.

The installation of the external core and the interior balconies in the multifunctional auditorium has been completed, and the space is beginning to take on its expected appearance. This ensures that cultural and professional events will have a truly representative setting. Simultaneously, another important phase has begun—the installation of the exterior balconies. These will give the pavilion its distinctive look and increased volume. While the main structure is built using CLT columns and panels from Stora Enso, the external spiral uses materials from the NOVATOP SYSTEM.

Looking at the structural details, one can see how critical precision is at every step. Each wooden piece and every joint fits together perfectly. The CLT panel construction not only meets the highest standards of quality and safety but also of aesthetics. And as a bonus, the wood smells wonderful. I’m confident that visitors will be thrilled.

Completion of the Pavilion's external core installation, ©Office of the Commissioner  General, Czech Centers
Completion of the Pavilion's external core installation, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
Advanced construction of the auditorium, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
Advanced construction of the auditorium, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers

Friday, November 15, 2024 During the week of November 9 to 15, work on installing the exterior balconies made from NOVATOP SYSTEM panels continued. These balconies are now beginning to define the characteristic spiral surrounding the entire building, giving the pavilion its distinctive appearance. Meanwhile, scaffolding has been erected in the multifunctional auditorium as the assembly of the so-called tensioned ceiling has begun. This feature will reinforce the upper part of the structure.

Thanks to the rapid pace of construction and its unconventional design, the Czech National Pavilion is drawing significant attention—not only from other participating countries but also from the Japanese organizers. Additionally, the Czech spruce wood prominently stands out among the other pavilions. The neighbouring pavilion, designed by the renowned Japanese artist Yoichi Ochiai, will feature a mirrored façade, meaning our pavilion will essentially be visible twice. I believe there’s much to look forward to!

Scaffolding for the assembly of the tensioned ceiling, ©Office of the Commissioner  General, Czech Centers
Scaffolding for the assembly of the tensioned ceiling, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
Construction of the exterior balconies, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
Construction of the exterior balconies, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers

Friday, November 22, 2024 As you can see in the attached photos, during the week of November 16 to 22, the assembly of the structural framework for the tensioned ceiling above the multifunctional auditorium has been progressing intensively. This clever design element will provide overall reinforcement to the upper part of the building. At the same time, the installation of additional elements for the exterior balconies made from NOVATOP SYSTEM panels continues, giving the pavilion its distinctive look and bringing the entire structure closer to its unmistakable form.

In the last photo of today's series, you can see our pavilion reflected in the façade of the neighbouring pavilion by Yoichi Ochiai. The contrast between traditional wood and the modern mirrored façade creates a unique visual effect, highlighting the connection between Czech creativity and Japanese design. This element will give our pavilion a mirrored twin and enhance its aesthetic value.

Reflection of the Pavilion in the façade of the neighbouring structure, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
Reflection of the Pavilion in the façade of the neighbouring structure, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
The ceiling above the auditorium, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
The ceiling above the auditorium, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers

Saturday, November 30, 2024 The Czech Pavilion continues to rise steadily during the week of November 23 to 29, and construction is ahead of schedule, which has even surprised our Japanese colleagues.

This week, the installation of NOVATOP SYSTEM panels, which form the pavilion’s iconic exterior spiral, was completed. At the same time, work began on the building's roof, where the CTP lounge (formerly the business lounge) is being constructed—a space designated for important business and political meetings. With its unique sea view, this space is sure to become one of the most sought-after spots at Expo 2025. On Friday, the new assembly team began preparing for the installation of glass panels on the building's façade. This key element will be another significant step toward giving the pavilion its unique appearance, combining Czech CLT panels with a beautiful glass façade.

This week, we also signed very important and strategic partnerships in Czechia with companies that will contribute to the best possible presentation of Czechia in Japan—CTP, Plzeňský Prazdroj, Purposia Group, Preciosa, AGC Teplice, Stora Enso, and Axenta.

Eager to follow the construction of the national pavilion at Expo 2025 and missed prior notebook editions? Read the Commissioner General’s reports for September and October 2024 here.

The Pavilion’s rooftop view will be a key attraction at the Expo, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centres
The Pavilion’s rooftop view will be a key attraction at the Expo, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centres
Completion of NOVATOP system installation, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers
Completion of NOVATOP system installation, ©Office of the Commissioner General, Czech Centers

Check out more photos from the construction site in our gallery:

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